Our customer is one of the world’s leading automotive manufacturers, whose manufacturing process depends on reliable logistics and supply chain visibility.
2 factories in Europe
145 active Tier suppliers
As a preferred provider of logistics services, we collaborate in the planning and execution of daily operations to ensure that our customers’ production does not stop.
Reliable daily supply of components to European factories from leading suppliers – 153 pick-ups per week
Collections adjusted to the production of the Tier 1 supplier
Execution of the service despite volume fluctuations
Responsibilities of the control tower :
Stand-trailers are implemented as a warehouse on wheels
Expedite shipments or extend lead times in response to customer requests
Contingency planning – alternative routes
Concepts applied just in time, just in sequence
FTLs are organized from Tier 1 suppliers in Poland, Slovenia and Serbia to various plants in Europe
CAT is one of our customer’s preferred logistics service providers.
CAT Logistika Tereti d.o.o.
Gospodarska ulica 2E,
10431 Sveta Nedelja,